The photo above is of the second Spiderman Round Ripple afghan, and is the one the following pattern is based on. It is approximately 53 inches across. The photo below the pattern is of the first 'ghan. The only difference is the distribution of color, but you can see what a difference it makes.
The base pattern for this afghan is found at http://www.angelcrafts.net/ Please take a look at Lyn's original Round Ripple Baby Afghan, it's lovely and is a lovely gift for a baby.
Both afghans are under copyright, Please do not alter my patterns without my permission, and even then please do not claim them as your own without at least partial credit (and link) to the original design. All of the patterns are intended for personal and charitable purposes only. They are not to be sold, redistributed or placed into any collection or compilation at all. Publishing my patterns on other websites, mailing lists, in any print media, electronic media (CDs) OR the selling of these patterns, IS FORBIDDEN!
Please, if there are errors, pleae report them to me so they can be corrected. Thank you and Enjoy~
Spiderman Round Ripple Afghan
14 oz Red Heart #0319 Cherry Red
14 oz Red Heart #0866 Blue
1 skein Red Heart Black
size H hook
(afghan can be made any size with additional yarn. Change width of color rings, except black, to suit yourself)
Rnd 1: With Red; ch 4, join with sl st to form a ring. ch 3, ( ch 3 counts as 1 dc through out pattern). Work 11 dc in ring (12 dc). Join with sl st to top of beginning ch 3.
Rnd 2: ch 3, 1 dc in same st, 2 dc in each st around (24). join.
Rnd 3: ch3, *skip next st, 1 dc, ch 2, 1 dc in next st. repeat from * ending with 1 dc in base of ch 3, ch 2, sl st in top of ch 3
Rnd 4: sl st into ch 2 space, ch 3, 1 dc, ch 2, 2 dc in ch 2 space, * 2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc in next ch 2 space, repeat * around. Join.
Rnd 5: sl st into next st, ch 3, * 2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc in the ch 2 space, 1 dc in next dc, skip next 2 dc, 1 dc in next st. repeat from * around. Join. End off yarn, weave ends in.
Rnd 6: With Bllue; join with sl st in next st, ch 3, 1 dc in next st, * 2 dc , ch 2, 2 dc in the ch 2 space, 1 dc in each of next 2 dc, skip the next 2 st, 1 dc in each of next 2 dc, repeat * , ending with skip 2 sts. Join.
Rnd 7: sl st into next st, ch 3, 1 dc in next 2 sts, * 1 dc, ch 2, 1 dc (small shell), in next ch 2 space, 1 dc in next 3 sts, skip 2 sts, 1 dc in next 3 sts, repeat * around, ending with skip 2 sts. Join.
Rnd 8: sl st into next st, ch 3, 1 dc in next 2 st, * 2dc, ch 2, 2 dc (large shell) in ch 2 space, 1 dc in next 3 sts, skip next 2 sts, 1 dc in the next 3 sts, repeat * around, ending with skip 2 sts, sl st in top of ch 3. End yarn, weave ends in.
Rnd 9: With Black; sl st into next st., ch 1, sc in same stitch as join, 1 sc in next 3 sts, * 2 sc, ch 2, 2 sc (large shell) in ch 2 space, 1 sc in next 4 sts, skip 2 sts, 1 sc in next 4 sts, repeat * around, ending with skip 2 sts, sl st into top of ch 1. End yarn, weave ends in.
Continue working in rounds in colors and pattern established, always working 1 round with small shell, and 2 rounds with large shell. Continue repeating rounds 7-8-9 (the number of DC will increase on each round between the "ch 2 space" and the "skip 2 sts")
Color Pattern for rounds;
First 5 rounds – Red
3 Rounds – Blue
1 Round – Black
4 Rounds – Blue
1 Round – Black
4 Rounds – Red
1 Round – Black
5 Rounds – Red
1 Round – Black
6 Rounds – Red
6 Rounds – Blue
1 Rounds Black
3 Rounds Blue
End off yarn, weave ends.
To make "ribs" of the web work from outer edge to middle of afghan.
Attach Black yarn in the ch-2 space at the top of any point. *ch 3, sl st in ch-2 space of next round inward. Repeat 4 times. Ch 2, sl st in ch-2 space of next round.
Work in pattern to middle of afghan, end off yarn. Repeat 11 times.
Pattern for webbing:
ch 3, sl st in ch-2 space of next round for all blue and red rounds. Ch 2, sl st in ch-2 space of black rounds.
Weave in ends. Attach blue yarn in any stitch. ch 1, rev sc stitch in each stitch around, with 2 rev sc in each ch-2 space. End off yarn, weave in ends.
Wrap and gift to a Spiderman fan and watch their eyes light up~
NOTE: The round count for the colors used were only the number of rounds that were in each color of the afghan pictured above. Each one I make has a different number of rounds in red and blue, only the black round is one round each time because it represents the web itself.
I have been contacted several times about the instruction;
"Continue working in rounds in colors and pattern established, always working 1 round with small shell, and 2 rounds with large shell. Continue repeating rounds 7-8-9"
This means that you should work those three rounds over and over, regardless of the color used for the rounds. That is what keeps the afghan flat as it increases in size. Also, make the afghan as large as you want. For a very small Spidey fan you might want a smaller afghan, while for an older fan you might want to keep going for more rounds so it's larger. The size is not 'set in stone'.
If you have any questions about the pattern, don't hesitate to send a message to my yahoo account, gaile1944@yahoo.com, or to my other account if you have it. The pattern is on the blog so that it can be made for Spiderman fans, and I am always happy to give any assistance that I can.
Saturday April 29, 2006 - 06:02pm (EDT)
A Essência Dos Amigos
ResponderExcluirEu sempre costumo dizer que os
amigos são flores.
Flores por que? Porque as flores além de sua
graciosidade deixa perfume nas mãos de quem as colhem.
Assim são os amigos, cada um traz consigo uma essência
característica de sua personalidade.
Cada amigo que colhemos no jardim da vida tem sua
esssência, alguns tem ela mais concentrada,
outros equilibrada e outros ainda tão suave que só
com a alma podemos sentí-la.
As melhores essências são sempre encontradas em
pequenos frascos, assim são os amigos,
as vezes pequenos frascos talvez até mesmo sem um
rótulo, mas cuja fragrância invade até a alma.
Minha amiga o que faço aqui não é encher sua bola,
mas dizer-lhe que você é mais que um(a) amigo(a),
tantas e tantas vezes sinto você do meu lado
através dos seus e-mails, ou atraves dos momentos
em que nos dispomos a teclar.
Quero lhe agradecer esta demonstração de amor
e amizade, amizade que não é senão a melhor
forma de vivermos o "amor"
que Jesus nos propõe.
Maria Cecília
Olá Marisa.Adorei seu blog,é lindo,parabéns.Um abraço e uma boa Páscoa pra vc e sua família.reginaceliaartesanatos@uol.com.br