Designed by Joyce Nordstrom.
Directions are for size 2; changes for sizes 4 and 6 are in parentheses.
AUNT LYDIA’S® "Fashion Crochet Thread", Size 3: 3 (4, 4) Balls 423 Maize.
Crochet Hook: 3.5mm [US E-4.
Yarn needle; 8 split-lock stitch markers; three 9/16" buttons, sewing needle and thread.
GAUGE: 18 sts = 4"; 13 rows = 4" in pat. CHECK YOUR GAUGE. Use any size hook to obtain the gauge.
Finished Chest Measurements: 21 (23, 25)".
Fpdc (front post double crochet): Yarn over, insert hook from front to back to front around the post of the stitch below and draw up a loop, [yarn over and draw through 2 loops on hook] twice.
Bpdc (back post double crochet): Yarn over, insert hook from back to front to back around the post of the stitch below and draw up a loop, [yarn over and draw through 2 loops on hook] twice.
NOTE: Dress yoke is worked from the high waist to shoulders, and then skirt is worked down from waist.
DRESS YOKE: Ch 96 (105, 114).
Row 1 (Wrong Side): Hdc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across; turn – 95 (104, 113) hdc.
Row 2: Ch 2, hdc in first 2 hdc, [fpdc around next hdc, hdc in next 2 hdc] 31 (34, 37) times; turn.
Row 3: Ch 2, hdc in each st across; turn.
Row 4: Ch 2, hdc in first 2 hdc, [fpdc around next fpdc, hdc in next 2 hdc] 31 (34, 37) times; turn.
Rows 3 and 4 form pat. Rep Rows 3 and 4 until 2 (2 1/2, 3)" from beg, end Row 4, inc (0, dec) 1 st on last row – 96 (104, 112) sts.
Divide-Right Back: Ch 2, hdc in first 20 (22, 24) sts; turn. Keeping continuity of pat, work even until 3 (3 1/2, 4)" from beg, end by working a right side row. Fasten off.
Right Back Strap: With wrong side facing, skip next 8 (10, 12) sts on last long row for underarm, attach thread in next st; ch 2, hdc in same st and in each st to end; turn – 12 hdc. Work even in pat until 4 1/2 (5, 5 1/2)" from beg. Fasten off.
Front: With wrong side facing, skip next 8 sts on last long row for underarm, attach thread in next st; ch 22, hdc in same st and in next 39 (43, 47) sts; turn – 40 (44, 48). Work even in pat until 3 1/2 (4, 4 1/2)" from beg, end by working a right side row.
Right Front Strap: Ch 2, hdc in first 12 sts; turn. Work even until armhole measures 4 1/2 (5, 5 1/2)". Fasten off.
Left Front Strap: With wrong side facing, skip next 16 (20, 24) sts of last long row of Front, attach thread in next st; ch 2, hdc in same st and in each st to end; turn – 12 hdc. Work even until armhole measures 4 1/2 (5, 5 1/2)". Fasten off.
Left Back: With wrong side facing, skip next 8 sts of last long row for underarm, attach thread in next st; ch 2, hdc in same st and in each st to end; turn – 20 (22, 24) hdc. Work even until 3 (3 1/2, 4)" from beg, end right side row.
Left Back Strap: Ch 2, hdc in first 12 sts; turn. Work even until armhole measures 4 1/2 (5, 5 1/2)". Fasten off.
FINISH YOKE: Sew shoulder seams; tack bottom edges tog, overlapping 2 sts of Left Back over 2 sts of Right Back.
SKIRT-Rnd 1 (Right Side): Turn finished yoke upside down so beg ch is at top, attach thread at overlapped hdc and work in rem lps of beg ch; ch 3, * fpdc around next fpdc of yoke **, dc in next st, ch 1, dc in next st; rep from * around, end at **; join with a sl st in top of ch-3; turn.
Row 2: Sl st to sp, (ch 4, dc) all in same sp – beg shell made; * bpdc around next fpdc **; (dc, ch 1, dc) all in next ch-1 sp – shell made; rep from * around, end at **; join with a sl st in 3rd ch of ch-4; turn.
Row 3: Beg shell in first sp, * fpdc around next bpdc **, shell in next sp; rep from * around, end at **; join in 3rd ch of ch-4; turn.
Row 4: Beg shell in first sp, * bpdc around next fpdc **, shell in next sp; rep from * around, end at **; join in 3rd ch of ch-4; turn.
Rows 5-12: Rep Rows 3 and 4 four more times.
Row 13: Sl st to sp, (ch 3, dc, ch 1, 2 dc) all in same sp – beg DS (double shell) made; * fpdc around next bpdc **; (2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc) all in next ch-1 sp – DS (double shell) made; rep from * around, end at **; join in top of ch-3; turn.
Row 14: Beg DS in first sp, * bpdc around next fpdc **, DS in next sp; rep from * around, end at **; join; turn.
Rows 14-20: Rep Rows 13 and 14 three more times.
Row 21: Sl st to sp, (ch 4, dc, [ch 1, dc] twice) all in same sp – beg lacy shell made; * fpdc around next bpdc **; (dc, [ch 1, dc] 3 times) all in next sp – lacy shell made; rep from * around, end at **; join in 3rd ch of ch-4; turn.
Row 22: Beg lacy shell in center (2nd) ch-1 sp, * bpdc around next fpdc **, skip next sp, lacy shell in next sp; rep from * around, end at **; join in 3rd ch of ch-4; turn.
Rep Rows 21 and 22 until skirt measures 10 1/2 (11 1/2, 12 1/2)" from yoke or 1 1/2" less than desired length, end Row 22.
Next Row (Right Side): Beg lacy shell in center (2nd) sp, * lacy shell in next post st **, skip next ch-1 sp, lacy shell in next ch-1 sp; rep from * around, end at **; join; turn.
Last Row: (Beg lacy shell, ch 1, dc) all in center (2nd) sp, * skip next two ch-1 sps, (dc, [ch 1, dc] 4 times) all in next ch-1 sp (center sp of lacy shell); rep from * around; join. Fasten off.
ARMHOLE RUFFLES-Row 1: With right side facing, beg and end in the 5th row ends above underarm, mark armhole for 8 evenly spaced DS. Attach yarn in 3rd row end above underarm; ch 1, sc in same place, ch 3, DS at marker, [dc in row end midway between markers, DS at next marker] 7 times, ch 3, skip next row end, sc in next row end; turn.
Row 2: Ch 3, [DS in ch-1 sp, bpdc around dc] 7 times; DS in ch-1 sp, ch 3, sc in sc; turn.
Row 3: Ch 4, DS in sp, [fpdc around bpdc, DS in sp] 7 times, ch 4, sc in sc. Fasten off.
Row 4: With right side facing, attach thread in first sc of Row 1; [ch 1, dc] 6 times all in ch-4 sp, * sc in next ch-1 sp, ([dc, ch 1] 5 times, dc) all in next fpdc; rep from * 6 more times; sc in next ch-1 sp, [ch 1, dc] 6 times all in ch-4 sp, sl st in last sc of Row 1. Fasten off.
FINISHING-Edging: With right side facing, beg at overlapped sts center back, attach thread and work sc evenly up Left Back, working three ch-2 button loops evenly spaced, sc around neck and down Right Back. Sew buttons opposite button loops.
Tie: Make a ch 50" long; turn and hdc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across. Fasten off. With center of tie at center front of dress, thread tie under ea posted st at waist. Tie in bow at back.
Row 1: Sc in 2nd ch from hook and next 6 ch; turn – 7 sc.
Rows 2-12: Ch 1, working in back lps only, sc in each sc across; turn.
Row 13: Ch 3, skip first sc, dc in next sc, skip next sc, shell in next sc, skip next sc, dc in last 2 sc; turn.
Row 14: Ch 3, skip first dc, fpdc around next dc, DS in ch-1 sp, fpdc around next dc, dc in top of ch-3; turn.
Row 15: Ch 3, bpdc around next fpdc, DS in sp, bpdc around next fpdc, dc in top of ch-3; turn.
Rep Rows 14 and 15 until there are 35 rows of DS in all.
Next Row: Ch 1, sc in first dc, skip next st, sc in next 2 dc, sc in sp, sc in next 2 dc, skip next st, sc in top of ch-3; turn – 7 sc.
Next 12 Rows: Rep Row 2. Fasten off. Sew ends tog to form a band.
FLOWER: Ch 6; join with a sl st to form a ring.
Rnd 1: Ch 1, [sc in ring, ch 2] 5 times; join with a sl st in first sc.
Rnd 2: [Ch 2, 4 hdc in next ch-2 sp, ch 2, sc in sc] 5 times; join.
Row 3: Holding petals toward you, [ch 4, sl st in next sc] 5 times.
Row 4: [Sl st in next sp, ch 3, 6 dc in same sp, ch 3, sl st in same sp] 5 times. Fasten off. Sew flower to band.
(Size 3 Crochet) AUNT LYDIA’S® "Fashion Crochet Thread", Art. 182 available in solid colors – 150yd (137m) or metallics – 100yd (92m) balls.
ABBREVIATIONS: beg = beginning; ch = chain; dc = double crochet; dec = decrease; hdc = half double crochet; inc = increase; lp = loop; mm = millimeters; rem = remaining; rep = repeat; rnd = round; sc = single crochet; sl = slip; sp = space; st(s) = stitch (es); tog = together; yo = yarn over; * or ** = repeat whatever follows the * or ** as indicated; [] = work directions in brackets the number of times specified.
©2008 Coats & Clark, P.O. Box 12229, Greenville, SC, 29612-0229
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